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Customised Industry Sector Training & Apprenticeships

Role Related Training v Industry Specific Training

We provide role related training and apprenticeships that are agnostic to industry sector. However, working with industry leaders, we have also customised several courses and apprenticeships to suit specific industry needs.

Contact Us to Discuss a Bespoke Apprenticeship for your Business

Leverage our Customised Industry Training Programmes for your Apprentices

For new hires or existing employees

We have worked extensively with several industry sectors to help develop and promote careers in their respective industries. Whilst our Academies concentrate on our three key disciplines, we have developed customised programmes in collaboration with our employers, industry bodies, forums and regulators.

We work with industry bodies, forums, employers and regulators to promote careers within our specialist sectors.

We can recruit new hires, free of charge, for our apprenticeship programmes or partner with our sister company, S&A Resourcing Solutions to offer sophisticated solutions to address staffing needs at every level from novice to Board Director.

Want an Industry Specific Training Programme or Apprenticeship?

We have a well-rounded approach, and a perfect track record, of working with specialist sectors to design and deliver heavily customised training and apprenticeship programmes. Typically involving our academies working together to take the current Ofsted curriculum and enhance it by adding new modules, certifications or experiences, often in collaboration with 3rd party training partners and the employers own training divisions.

The result: a highly practical, mixed training programme that ensures your employees learn the right balance of academic and role related skills whilst maximising your government apprenticeship levy investments.